
Thursday, 29 September 2016

Exercise Day

On a very sleeping day, Me my Sister Suzie and Cousin Ameliar where going for a Run up the Mountain. Before we ran up we first did stretches, then headed off. But there was not only us there, there were a couple walking with their Dogs, some came up with Cars and some came with pet Birds.

After doing our stretches we didn’t just run up but walked until we made it to the middle of the mountain. Walking up the Mountain for the three of us were very breath full because each step felt like we were walking up a bunch of stairs. As we made it to the middle of the Mountain, we then took a few deep breaths and slowed it out.

As we carried on we then switch to running up. Running up the Mountain wasn’t too hard for me because to me it felt like Normal Running. As we finally reach the end of the Mountain, The first thing i said was woew. Up the Mountain was a varying interesting view because i haven’t been up the Mountain since 2 to 3. Looking up at the view was very cool because it was like climbing up the sky Tower, also see the howl of Auckland City.

So the three of us, went to have a look around the Mountain and took a few Pics before heading back to where we Began.

The End.

Image result for Mt wellington mountain

Sunday, 25 September 2016


My Name is Whitney
I describe me as Brown
My favourite food is butter chicken
And i love to smile proud.

I have 3 sister, 2 Brothers including me
They make me happy, OMG
I love them always, their, their for me
They fill me up with lots of pleas

So as you can see I've described me,
And please see what i do for my other poetry.

Youth Night

On Friday Me My Neighbors and family members were all meeting at Fenchurch scelt hall down the road from fenchurch shops.  We all were arriving during different time.

Before I start, i will like to tell you about why we go to the scealt hall. The reason for us to go to the scealt hall is because it's youth. And Youth is a program that kiwi kids can go to and have lots of fun and play different activities. You also get to go on afternoon trips like boling, more like night trips to where the plan is.

So as i was saying once we all arrived we then begin to start a game outside, like Touch or ball rush. But if not we might play a game inside, such as a game that includes a balloon or games that includes a ball.  So the game we were playing outside was touch. The amount of people we had was to be split up into equal groups but some had to be subs. As the game started the sun started to pull down as it started to get darker and darker.

After a game of touch we then went into the indoors and played three different games which were the egg/ the food and the chocolate. Lets just say. So we first started with the egg. How to play this game was to use the right level to carry the egg. So if you were 3,4,5,6,7 or 8, you will have to carry the egg down to your hips, and if you were 9,10,11,12, or higher you will have to put the spoon in your mouth and balance the egg upon it while walking.

The second game included Jelly and Beetroot which we call it beetroot jelly. So the game went like this. Their will be four chairs that four people have to sit on. And four food cup full with beetroot jelly. As the game went along some of us tried and some of us didn't because others don’t eat beetroot. As the game was up, we then moved on to our last game.

The chocolate. The instructions for that game, was to be four people only, 1 baby and 3 grown ups.  As they ran, the chocolate wasn't actually chocolate, It was Golden syrup mixed with, I don’t no, icing sugar. Once time was up we all went into the kitchen and had some snack with something watering, like Juices.

As we finished the youth for the day we all said our goodbyes and head of home.

The End

During the Birthday party

On Saturday, was my little Niece's 1st Birthday, Destiny. Her Birthday was held at Chipmunk in Manukau. The starting time was 2:00 Clock to 5:00 Clock. As everybody arrived we then started of with a Entertainment, With a Actual Chipmunk. As Everybody was quiet one of the Chipmunk, worker brought a Surprise to her, as you all no a Actual Chipmunk. As the Chipmunk came along, they also brought along a Dora Explorer Cake, While we all sang Happy Birthday.

After Blowing out the Candles, Destiny was given a Little Gift from the Chipmunk to her, As her Mum, Reira Thanks it out of the Chipmunks hands and place it on top of the Table. Once it was time for the Chipmunk to go, we then prayed for the Food and ate with a Little Sophiner Drink, KeriKeri.  

After Eating, most of the Kids went to play on the Chipmunk play ground. Once we were packing it was time for us to go, so the Kids lined up to get their Lollie Bag and head off Home with their Ride.

Happy 1st Birthday Destiny Smiling Face With Heart-Shaped Eyes on Microsoft Windows 10 Anniversary Update

The End.