
Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Whitney fun day with students from tamaki

On Tuesday the 1st of December Room 7 from Glenbrae School and other classes were asked to lie up on the courts. Once all classes headed to the courts we sat down into, two lines, boys and girls. When everybody was there we were told to be divided into groups to be even and fair for other Children.  

When we were in groups, we all headed of to the field to get started and have a lot of fun outdoors and enjoyed the beautiful day of sunshine.

Once we were sorted for sports, the first thing my group did was a quick activity of Octopuses to make a good and comfortable warm up.
The second activity we did was called chain, which was the best of all that we did. What you had to do during the game was, there was only allowed one tagger that will come around to try and tag you and if they tag you, you will have to chain up with them arm to arm and do it over and over again, until everybody is out.

After the second activity we moved on to play touch which didn't last long but might of last for about 10 minutes. In a while it started to get boring  so we decided to play some relays. When we sorted our places, coach told us to get reading said and GO.

When our time was up, all groups went back on to the courts with enjoyment and were very happy that they had visited us.

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